Services Provided
- Access Consciousness Practitioner
- Counseling – Relationship
- Counseling – Spiritual Guidance
- Funeral
- Handfasting/Marriage
- Hospital Visitation
- Purification/Cleansing
- Wiccaning/Naming/Christening
Clergy Type
Legal Clergy – I Can/Do Perform Services with Officiant Capacity for Anyone
Rowan Temple of Light
235 Clay St, Apt 1
Clarksburg, WV 26301
Phone: (304) 517-9416
Email: rowantempleoflight@gmail.com
Website: https://rowantempleoflight.wixsite.com/rtol
Area Located
- WV: Mountain Lakes
- WV: Mountaineer Country
Area Serviced
- WV: Mountain Lakes
- WV: Mountaineer Country
- Surrounding Area: Pennsylvania
Introduction & Biography
She identifies as a Animist Norse Paranormal Witch. She began Paranormal Investigations in 2000 with a Local Team in her Hometown of Weston, WV. She works in the Paranormal Field dividing the lines between the living and the Dead. Working with the Faith of the Family to remove or separate the Entities so that the family is able to feel Safe in their Home.
She Joined a online coven in 2014 where she soon began Priestess Training. November 2014 she achieved her goal. She started Marrying Couples in 2015. May 2016 she was elevated to High Priestess.
She takes great Pride in her work, Making sure that each service is Original and Personal. Going Above and Beyond for all those involved. She has Married couples of all Faiths in Pennsylvania and West Virginia. She is an Ally and Friend to all. Love is Love.