Services Provided
- Counseling – Spiritual Guidance
- Handfasting/Marriage
Clergy Type
Legal Clergy – I Can/Do Perform Services with Officiant Capacity for Anyone
Sole Practitioner
1109 Brunswick Ct
Morgantown, WV 26508
Area Located
- WV: Mountaineer Country
Area Serviced
- WV: Mountaineer Country
- WV: Northern Panhandle
Introduction & Biography
I have been ordained for 4 years and have written and performed numerous multi-faith handfasting ceremonies. (Primarily Wiccan and pagan ceremonies)
I am personally focused on Druidry and polytheism that also incorporates Abrahamic religions into a larger pantheon. Individually, I follow Wotan and Brigid, along with special consideration for Elegua.
I am a believer in animism and the interconnectedness of the universe, though with the understanding that all species are in competition with each other for the same resources for their own survival.