Services Provided
- Counseling – Relationship
- Counseling – Spiritual Guidance
- Counseling – Substance Use Disorder
- Croning/Saging
- Funeral
- Handfasting/Marriage
- Hospital Visitation
- Pastoral
- Purification/Cleansing
- Wiccaning/Naming/Christening
Clergy Type
Legal Clergy – I Can/Do Perform Services with Officiant Capacity for Anyone
Circle of the Eternal Logos/Holy Sacrament Catholic Church
2111 Thunder Rd
Chapmanville, WV 25508
Area Located
- WV: Metro Valley
- WV: Southwestern Mountains
Area Serviced
- WV: Metro Valley
- WV: Mid-Ohio Valley
- WV: Mountaineer Country
- WV: New River/Greenbrier Valley
- WV: Southwestern Mountains
- Surrounding Area: Kentucky
- Surrounding Area: Ohio
- Surrounding Area: Virginia
Introduction & Biography
Greetings heathens!!! My name is Father Tom Artist, I am a Catholic Priest who walks a Christopagan path. I am available for any clergy services and my rates are extremely reasonable. I can travel anywhere within reason in WV and the surrounding states.